If you face a felony DUI charge, you are faced with life-altering prospects. With your freedom and enduring reputation on the line, it would be invaluable to seek the qualified assistance of an esteemed Long Beach felony DUI lawyer.
Factors that might warrant felony charges include when you have 3 or more previous convictions. Any subsequent charges for a repeat offense will also mean a felony charge. Another reason a DUI offense may be a felony is if there is a traffic violation (such as speeding, running a red light, etc.) or a third party is injured and this injury is due to the traffic violation. When faced with such a grave charge, you need hard-hitting legal representation.
The minimum penalty for a felony DUI is:
- 180 days in jail
- Up to $3,000 in fines
- 4-year revoking of your driver’s license
- 18 month alcohol education program
You could be facing as much as 3 years in prison. Beyond losing your freedom, you would face life as a convicted felon even after serving your sentence. This includes having these charges imprinted on your record, haunting your every opportunity you get for employment and housing.