
Over 20 Years Fighting Injustice

Long Beach Battery Defense Attorneys

Aggressive Defense to Battery Charges in Long Beach

Battery is defined as touching or using force on another without their consent and causing harm or offense. Assault is different in that it involves the threat of battery, but not the act. Placing someone in fear of battery could be considered assault. They are often used together because assault often precedes battery.

Facing charges for battery? Contact us today to start discussing your defense. 

Understanding Charges of Battery & Aggravated Battery

Battery may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor; however, repeat or severe offenses may be charged as felonies. Aggravated battery is a more serious charge and can be punished with a jail time of over one year and a fine.

Aggravated battery may include the following:

  • Use of a deadly weapon
  • Serious injury
  • Battery involving a woman, child or policeman

Speak with a Long Beach battery lawyer who knows the appropriate laws and penalties if you have found yourself with battery charges. Our firm provides clients with excellent legal representation. We believe having extensive experience in criminal cases and a high success rate can benefit anyone who is being charged with a criminal offense. Battery is a serious offense and you should take every precaution against jail time, significant fines, probation, and more penalties. In order to minimize the penalties you may be assigned, speak with a Long Beach battery attorney early on in your case.

How Does Battery Differ from Assault in California? 

Filing a battery charge requires there was physical contact between the accused and the victim.

Examples of battery include:

  • A push, slap, or a punch
  • Hitting someone to the point of pain or injury
  • Physical domestic violence
  • Rape or other sexual abuse
  • Hitting someone with an object

California Penal Code 242 PC classifies battery as a misdemeanor offense, and the law recognizes two degrees of battery: simple and aggravated.
To establish battery, a court has to establish that there was willful and unlawful contact and that the person who did it did not act in self-defense or in defense of someone else.

Simple Versus Aggravated Battery in California

Simple battery is a misdemeanor offense that can result in:

  • Up to $2,000 in fines
  • Up to six months of county jail time

Aggravated battery is more severe than simple battery and involves the willful use of violence resulting in serious bodily injury. Battery resulting in serious bodily injury maybe charged as a felony and could result in a state prison sentence.

Need Defense? Contact Us Now at (800) 922-6989

Battery charges can be difficult to dismiss due to the fact that the victim has suffered injuries. Therefore, you need aggressive legal help. You need someone who is willing to fight for you against the attacks of the prosecution. A Long Beach battery attorney may be able to have your charges modified if it can be shown that you were acting in self-defense. Also, if it is your first time being charged with a criminal offense, a Long Beach battery lawyer may be able to negotiate with the court so that you may only have to attend classes for anger management and serve probation.

In the event that you have been charged with the crime of battery, it is critical that you retain experienced criminal defense legal counsel. As a former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney, our lead attorney understands the criminal justice system from all angles and provide our clients with aggressive defense.

If you are facing charges for battery, call today for a free initial consultation. Let our experience work for you in defense of your criminal charges.


The Winning Defense Team

  • Charges Dismissed Assault with a firearm
  • Case Dismissed Assault and battery
  • Case Dismissed Assault and battery
  • ALL ALLEGATIONS WERE DROPPED Arrested for Violation of Probation
  • All felony charges DISMISSED Arrested for Felony Arson
  • CASE DISMISSED Arrested for Domestic Violence
  • Case was dropped Arrested for Domestic Violence
  • DRUG CHARGES DISMISSED Arrested for a Felony possession
  • Case Dismissed Accused of sexual assault
  • CASE DISMISSED Accused of Child Molestation